Universal Geominerals

Geological Exploration, Mineral Laboratory Testing, Laboratory Setup & Management

About Universal Geominerals

Our team have a broad range of geological & chemical experience, knowledge and expertise. We will assist you to run the project from early stage exploration to geophysical survey, drill plan, mine planning and schedule, geochemistry analysis as well as minerals sample analysis.

Core Value

Passion for Excellence

Ethics and Integrity



Environmental Consciousness

​​Dedicated to offering our clients a comprehensive geological analytical service, consulting, exploration and laboratory management services, UGM has established different divisions in the company as we believed our business stems from understanding our client needs and current market trends. With our one-stop management services, we are offering all-round geological consulting services to our clients with full transparency, customized geological services, laboratory testing services and laboratory setup service.

Our Services

Mineral Laboratory Testing
Mineral Laboratory Testing
Geological Exploration
Geological Exploration
Laboratory Setup
Laboratory Setup